• HEAD OFFICE: Mörfelden – Walldorf / Hesja (Germany)
  • SPECIALTY: lyophilized food


TREK’N EAT is one of the leaders in the European lyophilized food market, belonging to the Katadyn Group. They supply the majority of military forces in Europe, as well as travellers, alpinists and bushcraft lovers. The producer’s offer consists of the meal for one or two people created to deliver nutritious, fast and easy in preparing food. The Trek‘n Eat product range consists of meat and fish dishes, soups, vegetarian meals, vegetables and other diverse nutritional items from breakfast to dessert. The products are joined with the composition rich in calories, vitamins, minerals and aromas resembling the original taste of the dish. Moreover, all meals don’t contain preservatives, artificial colours or flavour enhancers. Their advantage is the ease of preparation – just pour hot water over the waterproof bag with food and wait 10 minutes until it swells.

More information: https://www.trekneat.com.
